Emotional President Buhari reveals lessons he learnt from visit to Rwandan genocide memorial

On Thursday June 23 President Muhammadu Buhari took time away from the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) holding in Kigali, Rawanda to visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial.

That tour drew out the full emotions in President Buhari who took time to reflect on the event that changed the history of Rwanda.

Afterwards, President Buhari could not help making the lessons he learnt from the visit public.

Posting on his official Facebook page, President Buhari wrote: “I visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial this afternoon. I took two lessons from this sobering tour: One, Nigerians must continue to be tolerant of one another, and two, we have a responsibility to preserve our own history from the Nigeria Civil War.

Revealing what he wrote in the visitors book and his prayers for Nigeria, he said, “As I wrote in the Visitors Book, “we pray that humanity will never experience this kind of hatred, wickedness and violence toward others because of their ethnic background, religion, and beliefs.”

“Nigeria is strongly committed to the prevention of mass atrocity anywhere in the world and believes that perpetrators of such crimes; and their enablers, anywhere in the world must be held accountable.”

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