Illegal Migration: UTA Partners Libya, Italy to End Death of Nigerians

A United Nations Humanitarian Organisation, United Towns Agency (UTA) is collaborating with the Libyan and Italian governments to curb illegal migration in Nigeria.
The tripartite arrangement is expected to end the horrendous suffering and deaths of Nigerian migrants seeking to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe.
At a press conference in Abuja on Tuesday, the Visiting UTA Secretary General, Amb. Eya Essif said that part of the arrangement is the introduction of skill acquisition programme for the training of young Nigerian artisans who would be legitimately hired in Europe.
She noted that UTA has taken decisive step to strengthen the bilateral economic ties and attainment of Sustainable Development Goals between Nigeria and Libya.
The UTA Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and its Country Office in Nigeria are leading the Libyan Minister of African Affairs, Ambassador Issa Majid Mansour and his delegation on an economic-diplomatic visit to strengthen existing bilateral trade relations between the two countries.
Essif said that several meetings between Nigerian Foreign Affairs officials, Nigerian traditional rulers, Nigerian Women Football League and Libyan delegation have been scheduled to fastrack the trade relations.
The UTA Country President in Nigeria, Amb. Abigail Amalaha enumerated the various humanitarian programmes and achievements of UTA in the last one year, assuring that the visit of Amb Essif would further spur her team to achieve more.
Amalaha promised that UTA would collaborate with various ministries and agencies to achieve SDGs and tackle the humanitarian crisis and poverty in some parts of the country.
The UTA office in Abuja was officially inaugurated by Amb. Eya Essif; Chairman of UTA Board of Trustees, Dr Usman Nga- Kupi; Country President of UTA, Amb Abigail Amalaha; UTA Board Member, Dr Abubakar Jimoh and other members.

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