Muslim Youths Offer to Help Nigerian Government Deepen Peacebuilding, Unity

Dedicates 50th Anniversary celebration to promotion of unity, compassion and selflessness

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organisation in Nigeria also known as Majlis Khddamul Ahmadiyya, Nigeria (MKAN) has urged the youths in Nigeria to resists any attempt by politicians or any set of people to use them to perpetrate violence.

They have instead urged the youths to ask politicians or anyone who attempt to push them in that direction some deep probing questions that touch on their conscience, saying such is the only way the youths can contribute to solving the rampant cases of violent extremism and insecurity in the country.

On their part as a group, MKAN has resolved to team up with the government of Nigeria to deepen unity for peaceful coexistence among citizens.

This was the core of the message by MKAN to mark its 50th anniversary celebration as delivered by the group’s National President, Abdur Roqib Akintunde Akinyemi during a Press Conference held in Abuja on Tuesday.

According to Akinyemi, MKAN has deliberately created a set of activities for this year’s IJTEMA, the Golden Jubilee to promote unity, compassion and selflessness among the citizens. This, he said are pillars upon which Nigeria can derive speedy progress in forging peaceful coexistence for development.

According to him, MKAN is committed to spreading the true teachings of Islam, by promoting moral training, offering humanitarian services, and advocating peaceful coexistence among people of all faiths.

These ideals, Akinyemi said are all part of what the group shall be using the opportunity of the IJTEMA 2024 to propagate.

“This convention serves as a platform for strengthening relationships, fostering love and brotherhood amongst our youth. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to extend our hands in friendship and humanity to our host community, as espoused by the beautiful teachings of Islam,” The MKAN National President said.

Speaking more on how the group will be relevant to Nigeria’s revival, he said, “With the theme “Unveiling the Impacts of Sustaining a Legacy for Service to Humanity,” MKAN’s intends to use the opportunity of this landmark event, which goes beyond mere gathering to showcase our earnest endeavor to address the challenges facing Nigeria today and pave the way for a brighter future.”

Continuing, Akinyemi said the theme of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Ahmadiyya community underscores the urgent need for collective action, rooted in compassion, unity, and selfless service, to overcome the country’s present challenges and chart a path towards a more prosperous and harmonious future.

It is on this regard that the Muslim youth group has called upon leaders at all levels to prioritize the welfare of the people they serve, fostering an environment of inclusivity, justice, and opportunity for all.

As part of the 50th Anniversary celebration, the group has lined up series of activities aimed at deepening their message of compassion, selflessness and unity. These include a free medical outreach program scheduled to hold on Thursday 18th April at the Dutse, FCT. This will be followed by road procession on Saturday 20th, which the National President said is intended to be used to educate the populace on true teachings of Islam, promoting peaceful coexistence, tolerance, and showcasing level of our commitment to national development.

The group has also planned to engage in series of Community Development Services within the FCT including the maintenance of a major road at Dutse.

“The 50th Annual MKAN Ijtema promises to be an unforgettable event, replete with a plethora of educational, sporting, and intellectual activities; in Speech Contest, Quranic Recitation, Quiz Competition, Scrabble, and Message Delivery, Athletics, Football, Table Tennis, Arm Wrestling, among others,” Akinyemi disclosed.  

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