Benue SUBEB Introduces Automated Payment System to Check Fraud

The Benue State Universal Basic Education Board, (SUBEB) has introduced automated salary payroll system and data verification process aimed at ridding its staff payroll of fraudulent practices in the payment of teachers salaries.

This was disclosed by the Executive Chairman of the Board, Dr. Grace Adagba, who said the automation policy would effectively take care of all the shortcomings in the system.

According to Adagba, “The primary education sub-sector, especially in Benue state has suffered so much neglect that has left it in a shadow of itself.

“The consequences of such neglect have caused so many setbacks in the system resulting in what one may refer to as half-baked products. This has become unacceptable as the foundation of everything sets the tone for its altitude.”

She however assured that her management team was out to change the narrative in that sector emphasising that “I and my team have resolved to put in our best to ensure that we restore the dignity of the primary education sector to its glory days.”

The Executive Chairman who said she had already toured Vandeikya, Kwande and Otukpo Local Government Areas, LGAs since her appointment to see things for herself said “We shall in the cause of the tours, identify the unique challenges associated with each local government which shall guide us to find appropriate solutions.”

According to her, “some of the basic problems bedeviling the primary school system in Benue include but are not limited to poor infrastructure and lack of suitable workforce in the schools. It’s our intent as a Board to include the construction/renovation of structures and offices in the budget and work plan.”

Adagba said, “Also, I have after a careful and thorough study of the system, discovered an intolerable practice of arbitrary deduction of teachers’ salaries. This practice is unacceptable. A worker deserves his wage and so we have therefore decided to introduce and maintain an automated payroll system for salaries.

“This we believe will take care of all the shortcomings in the system. We also intend to ascertain the actual workforce of the Board through a thorough verification system in all local governments and forward a memo to our Governor for the employment of teachers, which shall be strictly on merit.

“I also want to make it abundantly dear that it is no longer business as usual at SUBEB. Henceforth, all contracts awarded must follow due process. Preference shall not be given to any individuals or companies. It should also be clear that we will ensure the effective monitoring and supervision of such contracts to ensure that standards are strictly adhered to.”

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