Unverified Civil Servants Forfeit Salaries October 27

There is an indication that unverified civil servants will forfeit their salaries at the end of the two-week Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) verification exercise.
This followed plans by the Federal Government to delist such category of workers from its payroll by Friday, October 27, for failing to be captured at the ongoing IPPIS exercise.
Recall that the Federal Government commenced the implementation of the IPPIS in 2007, with a view to attain transparency, accuracy, safety and reliability in the management of Personnel Records.
It was also targeted at curtailing avoidable excesses in personnel costs.
To that end, the Federal Government delisted over 17,000 government employees in September 2023, from the IPPIS platform for refusing to comply with verification exercises spanning over five years, before additional two-week grace was granted to the unverified officers.
Director of Communication, office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (HOCSF) Mr Mohammed Ahmed said on Wednesday in Abuja, that the verification of records of all civil servants would be finalised at the end of the ongoing exercise.
He pointed out that the office of the HOCSF, being the repository of official records and information on all public servants is saddled with the responsibility of cleansing the record on the payroll system.
“Driven by the government’s quest to curb ghost workers syndrome and block leakages through personnel cost, the implementation of IPPIS commenced with the payroll module rather than the human resource component, ” he added.
He explained that office of the HOCSF had conducted series of verification exercises, which some civil servants were unable to get captured.
The director stated that some erring workers besieged the office with pleas to be given the last opportunity to comply, adding that the portal was reopened from October 3 to 13, to enable them update their records.
“The officers were then asked to come to Abuja for the physical verification exercise as the office had already committed and exhausted the budgeted funds and unable to further deploy staff to the states for the exercise, ” he said.

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