First Lady Hosts First Nigerian Female Graduand of UK’s Royal Military Academy

Nigeria’s First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, has received 2nd Lieutenant Princess Oluchukwu Owowoh, First Nigerian Female Graduand of the UK’s Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst (RMAS).
The First Lady, who received Owowoh, led by Major General John Ochai, the Commandant, Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), to the State House on Monday described her achievement as outstanding and divine.

The First Lady commended the Nigeria Army for giving a female the chance to excel, she further encouraged the nation’s youth to emulate Owowoh’ resiliency and caution them to desist from being destructive, lousy and problematic. She recommended Owowoh for a national award and encouraged her superiors to encourage her to become a youth advocate for others to learn positively from her.

Earlier, the NDA Commandant Maj Gen John Ochai had said that Owowoh’s outstanding performance, marks history amidst countries like India, Pakistan, Qatar, UK, Canada, Australia and others, who brought their best to be trained in that institution where she succeeded.

First Lady and 2nd Lt. Owowoh

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